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When:  July 20,  2018​


Class size is limited to 75 people. 
Check in starts at 8:30 AM.


Class starts at 9 am and ends at 5 pm. 

Where:  Holiday Inn

               45 Louis Prima Dr.

               Covington, LA 70433 

               (985) 888-1200



$ 200.00

For questions or to pre-register by phone: 
Forensic Investigations Group
Online Pre-registration Now!


Course Summary:

Spend a day with two leading national fire investigation experts David Icove and Thomas May to review the latest materials in the 2018 edition of Kirk’s Fire Investigation, one of the leading textbooks in the field.


Course objectives:
By the end of the day of this one – day training event, participants will take away with them. 


  • Knowledge on the latest application to the field of fire investigation of NFPA 921, NFPA 1033, and related standards of care

  • Examples of proper documentation, evidence collection, and report writing

  • Latest legal cases impacting expert testimony in depositions and court 

  • The effective use of exhibits in expert reports and courtroom settings

  • A copy of the 2018 edition of Kirk’s Fire Investigation



David Icove: is a co-author of Kirk’s Fire Investigation, a retired federal investigator, and expert witness.


Thomas May: is a licensed attorney, fire investigator, retired firefighter, and contributor to Kirk’s Fire Investigation. He specializes in fire investigation litigation, training of expert witnesses, and is an author of numerous articles in the field.



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